by Rick Swartzburg | Aug 11, 2017 | About Mattresses
By Dr. Rick Swartzburg, D.C. A good mattress will protect the back for the many hours that you are in bed. A mattress that properly supports the body will also be a very important element in helping relieve stress on the muscles and joints of the back. The most...
by Rick Swartzburg | Oct 10, 2016 | Sleep Issues
How the Right Pillow Can Help Alleviate Snoring Snoring isn’t just a nuisance for the other people in the house who are trying to sleep. It can also be a health hazard. Sleep Apnea – Most Common Cause of Snoring If your snoring is a result of apnea...
by Rick Swartzburg | Oct 10, 2016 | Blog
[Review Updated 2018] A number of years ago, we had quite a number of requests for us to review the Mattress Hero mattress, since an offer was sent so widely across the internet via There can be no doubt that the pricing was very low for a memory foam...
by Rick Swartzburg | Oct 10, 2016 | Blog
While not a mattress manufacturer, Costco, a major chain of warehouse stores, is constantly featuring memory foam mattress and toppers that are made exclusively for them. If you are in the market to buy something with memory foam in it and don’t want to spend...
by Rick Swartzburg | Oct 10, 2016 | Blog
Green washing is getting popular these days, so it is worth mentioning that in the case of the “Natural, Organic, Soy” mattresses by The Futon Shop, there is no such thing! It is true that a very small percentage of soy has been added to certain memory foams, but...